I'd like to start this blog off with a little something I've learned over the years. QUESTION EVERYTHING. Over time many theories on health and fitness have become accepted as the norm. This seems to be where a lot of people make mistakes. Unfortunately, these ideas are so ingrained in everyone including many doctors, that they're accepted as fact.
Examples of theories accepted as fact:
- running is best for losing weight
- bacon makes you fat
- heavier you lift bigger you get
- smaller more frequent meals speed up metabolism
- going more than 2 hours without eating will stop muscle gains
We see some shredded dude advocating these ideas and we think they must be true. We hear it in all kinds of media which is another story all together. They all seem to make sense but when you start asking why.. most people don't have the answers. Since so many people in this country are hugely fat and have diabetes.. might be worth looking into. Those examples are definitely true for MANY cases.. but there are too many variables to know for sure what action caused what result. In case you haven't noticed I go about this stuff in a kind "scientific method" style. It just so happens that in my opinion, I sort of disagree with those examples I gave. So lets take bacon for example. SoOo unhealthy.. Well why? Cause its got so much fat. True.. so why's the fat bad again? Cause fat makes you fat and clogs your arteries. Oh.. why and how does it do that? Get my point? We won't actually get to when bacon is good and when it is bad for you until a later post, but just try to dig deep into an idea before hopping on a new diet or exercise program. Don't get me wrong, any attempt at eating better or exercising is great but why not find the most efficient way and understand why? I've done every program to put on muscle and some have definitely helped me over the years.. but if I had the resources back then that I have now, I think my gains would have been much better. I hope this motivates you to learn the science behind your workout program or diet, it will definitely help you attack it with more confidence. I'm sure future PrimalBuild posts will eventually provide much of the information you'll need!
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